Green Schools 

Theme 5 - Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the fifth theme of the Green-Schools programme.  As with the previous themes, you will see that Biodiversity cross-cuts and integrates with the rest of the themes in many ways.  

What is Biodiversity? The meaning of ‘Biodiversity’ is easier to understand when we break the word down; “bio” refers to life and ‘living things’ and “Diversity” means just that: range or variety. The word refers to the huge variety and variation of life that is all around us.  

Why is Biodiversity so important and why should we conserve it? A high level of diversity among plants, animals and all living things is essential for maintaining a healthy functioning environment, fit for human life. This includes diversity within species, between species and diversity of ecosystems. 

We rely on living things to provide some of the most important needs in our daily lives; from the wooden beams that keep our homes standing, to the cotton fibres in our clothes, and from the oxygen that we breath to the food on our plates. We interact with and have an impact on living things, directly and indirectly every day through our lifestyles; e.g. the food we choose to eat or how we manage our gardens. Being aware of this interaction, and making choices to support wildlife and our natural environments is very important.

Green School Action Day.pdf
Green School Moto.pdf


On March 4th & 5th Geoff Hunt, an ecologist from Heritage Ireland visited us. Each class got a 90 minute presentation. Presentations were held both indoors & outdoors Geoff taught us lots about native wildflowers, native birds and did a minibeast hunt with 2nd class. All the children really enjoyed his visit. 

Our Green Schools Biodiversity Flag application has now been completed & submitted to Green Schools Ireland.  
