Substance Misuse Policy

Shandrum National School

Substance Misuse Policy

The School Position

This school is committed to addressing the needs of the whole school in relation to substance misuse.

We believe the Teacher, Parents, Board of Management and the Pupils need to work together and that co-operation is essential to the acceptance and implementation of the policy.

A Drug can be defined as, 'any substance, which changes the way the body functions, mentally, physically or emotionally'.

This school recognizes that substance misuse, both legal and illegal, may occur in the local community and that it has an important role to play in substance misuse education both in term of prevention and offering support to those who abuse substances.

This policy applies to Teachers, Parents, Young People, Board of Management and all Personnel associated with the school.

The School Ethos

This school believes that the Personal and Social Development of each member of the school community is important. Education flourishes in an environment where good relationships are encouraged, where people feel valued and respected and where there is genuine tolerance, fairness and support for those in difficulty.

This philosophy underpins and informs all the work we do and is central to this policy document.

The Use of Harmful Substances in School

This school does not accept the possession, use or supply of harmful substances in the school, on school trips or any other school related activity. The only exception is for legitimate medicinal use and the school has to be informed. (Refer to current Health & safety Policy and Administration of Medications Policy)

This policy is focused on four key areas: -

§ Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Education Programs.

§ Managing Drug Related Incidents

§ Training and Staff Development

§ Monitoring, Review and Evaluation

§ If a child is on special medication, which may affect in any the child's behaviour, it is advisable to notify the class teacher. Confidentiality will be guaranteed.

Outside Speakers

We believe that trained teacher are in the best position to carry out drug education but sometimes it may be appropriate to use an outside speaker to supplement or reinforce the work done in the class.


Parents will be informed of what is happening in the school with regard to drug education. This will be included in the S.P.H.E.

Managing Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs related incidents

The School Approach

We acknowledge that in all situations involving substance misuse, there needs to be a balance between the needs of the young person, the needs of the school community and the reputation of the school.

Listening, separating fact from myth and support will be our initial approach to the situation.

The school Code of Discipline will be invoked if school rules are broken and suspension will only be an option when all else has failed.

Procedures are in place to handle incidents.

Drug Incident

The following are examples of a drug incident

§ Emergencies when the person may be unconscious

§ Intoxication / unusual behaviour

§ Suspicion / rumour of substance misuse, possession or dealing

§ Disclosure by another person

§ Possession of a legal / illegal substance on the school premises or on a school related activity

§ Selling / supplying legal / illegal substances

§ Person seeking help from member of staff

§ School grounds being used for substance misuse activity

§ Drug paraphernalia found on school property

Assessing a Substance Misuse incident

In all cases where there is no immediate danger to the young person/s, it is important to take time to assess the situation before responding.

Complete the substance misuse incident report form..

Recording Procedure

All staff need to be aware of the signs of substance misuse and alert for changes in behaviour. Rumour must not be taken as evidence of drug use.

In situations of confirmed use / possession or supply then all the details will be recorded and acted upon.

A written recording procedure will be used. This procedure will ensure that a fair process of challenging the student about behaviour of concern is in place.

(See incident report form).

Managing a Drug Incident

It is important in all suspected or confirmed substance misuse incidents that a limited number of people are involved in managing the incident.

People will be informed on a’ need to know' basis.

The Principal, Board Of Management and persons directly involved in the case will be informed and all written documentation will be held confidentially by the Principal.


In most case the school will want to involve the parents/carers. This needs to be handled sensitively and wherever possible support offered to them..


It is agreed that the Chairperson or a designated person will contact the Juvenile Liaison Officer (JLO) in the event of a confirmed drug incident and any drugs found on the premise will be dealt with by the JLO.

Counselling/Pastoral Care

The pastoral care system is our first response to a drug incident. For some young people their involvement with drug may be masking some underlying difficulties and for other it may be a phase of experimentation, which they will pass through safely.

§ In response to all incidents, pastoral support and relevant contact phone nos. or, information on Helpline /Referral Centre will be offered.

§ If the person has a serious drug problem then referral to a drug treatment centre will be recommended.

§ Parents and staff involved in the incident will be offered support.

Disciplinary Procedures

Substance Misuse incidents are complex and in situations where the school rules regarding these are broken, the sanctions and punishments will be implemented depending on the nature and severity of the offence. These will be consistent with the School Code of Discipline.


Teachers cannot offer total confidentiality to a young person who discloses drug involvement. We recognise the need for care in this area as the young person may be coming to the teacher because they trust him/her and need help. How this situation is handled will have an important bearing on the outcome. Information must remain private and only disclosed on a strict 'need to know' basis. The young person must be informed about what is happening and why. The well being and welfare of the young person and the teacher must be the prime focus.


The Chairperson or a nominated spokesperson will handle all media queries. The school will not comment on individual cases but will refer to the school policy and the procedure in place to manage any drug-related incident.

Training and Staff Development


§ Staff will be encouraged to avail of any specific training that may be offered in this area in the future.

Parents & Board of Management

If and when opportunities to attend information evenings and workshops on issues relating to drugs arise in the area /school, the parents & B.O.M. will be informed.

Young People

The school will offer all its pupils Substance misuse education programmes within the context of their SPHE classes.

Monitoring of the Policy


Teachers, Parents, and Board of Management will be involved in the evaluation of this policy and any changes necessary will be incorporated into an amended policy.

Dissemination of policy

Copies of the policy will be disseminated to all the school community. It will also be available from the secretary's and all new staff and parents of new children will be made aware of the policy as part of their induction to the school.

Young people will be made aware of the policy as part of their substance misuse education within the context of a Social and Personal Health Education Programme.

Signs and Symptoms of Drug Use/Substance Misuse

Very often there are no clear signs attached to irregular experimental drug use. It is usually when drug use becomes problematic for the young person that some of the symptoms may manifest themselves.

The signs and symptoms must not replace careful observation, listening to and talking with the young person.

Many of the sign and symptoms listed are normal aspects of growing up.

Changes in behaviour, which may indicate drug use

§ Erratic mood swings

§ Lying and secretive behaviour

§ Change in appearance. In serious cases, the person may begin to look unwell, mixed with periods of more energetic behaviour.

§ Changes in eating habits. Regular use of some drugs can lead to a loss of appetite.

§ Gradual loss of interest in school, hobbies and friends.

§ Change in friendship patterns. If a young child is misusing drugs, s/he will tend to mix with older children and drop former friends.

§ Involvement in stealing and 'bartering' personal and family possessions for money.

§ Possessing unusual items and apparatus. Apart from tablets, powders, aerosol, etc. which may be found, some forms of drug taking require equipment, e.g. pieces of foil, syringes, straws, plastic bags, cigarette papers, 'Wraps '(square folds of paper)

§ Unusual smells around the child, or on his/her clothing, e.g. smells of solvents and glues, the characteristic smell of cannabis.

Review of the Policy

The Policy will be reviewed in the light of changing information, in consultation with the B.O.M. /wider school community.

This policy was passed by the Board of Management on 15/02/2003 and reviewed in 2006 and in November 2012.

Chairperson: Chris Morrissey